School Values

At Jericho, our work is underpinned by a clear sense of direction for our futures.  Our vision, values and mission are at the centre of all our improvement work:

What are we about? - Our Strategy

In our vision of excellence for all we:

  • Know all our children well,
  • Nurture and grow children who are caring, respectful and unique,
  • Provide a challenging, creative and adventurous curriculum,
  • We are global citizens who reflect, seek out and embrace the world around us.
  • Develop an innovative team that keeps one step ahead in an ever-changing world.

Our Values:

  • Achievement – going the extra mile so that we can be the best we can be.
  • Nurture and Respect – a community where everyone values, supports and invests in each other.
  • Adventure - challenging one another to enquire and pursue real excellence.
  • Creativity - the ability to dream, take chances, and create the things we imagine.

These are the skills of entrepreneurs, innovators and change-makers…

Our Mission:

“Inspiring, nurturing and growing the hearts and minds of today to build the communities of tomorrow.”